Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dropping the Deployment Bomb!

My husband's deployment will be here before we know it. How (and when) do you explain it to a 4 year old? Three weeks of training here and there are easier to explain, but a whole year? I have ideas to help him count down the days until daddy comes home once he leaves, but I don't know how to break the news to him. How do you tell a 4 year old that daddy is going half way across the world and won't be here for holidays, birthdays, etc?
If anyone has any ideas I'd LOVE to hear them. Let me know what works and what doesn't work.


  1. One of the things that worked great for my son was the Elmo deployment video. There's also a really good book called Night Catch that is great to read at bedtime

  2. I've heard about the Elmo video, but not the book. I looked it up and it looks great. I'm going to stop at the book this weekend to pick one up. Thank you!!

  3. Found you on the Blizzard Blog Hop! Good luck with your husband's deployment. I'd love for you to check out Life as: Recruiter's Wife

  4. Hi Dawn. This is our second deployment and the first i was prego and had our baby w/o him and he didnt come home til she was 10 mo stayed home for 11mo with training for 2 mo and then deployed again. Our daughter is 2 1/2 now and does so well with the ins and outs and her dad is still her favorite person. Its beyond me! Pictures at their level work great when they are gone. Daddy dolls with the pics are good for at home to sleep with. There is a website called flattenme and you can make a book that has dad as a superhero. my daughter loves it all. hope it helps some. i've got "some" experience
